The album was first introduced on Apr 10, 2020 and contains 12 tracks. FLAC and MP3 files are packed in the ZIP archive that weights 166.5 mb and can be found on the Boum site. Among them, there are the following compositions: Bal de la marine, Ces petits riens, La mauvaise réputation, Bras dessus bras dessous, Crazy, Plus je t'embrasse, I Want You Back, Against All Odds, Dieu est un fumeur de havane, Tous les cris, les SOS, La Javanaise (Live in Moulins), Come Together (Live in Fontenille). Those who searched to download MP3 or FLAC #1 by Esprits Libres can easily do it here. The #1 album mostly contains the tracks in the Jazz style.